Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rest Day, Well Sort Of...

Time: 2:06:54 Total Distance: 760.0 miles Today's Distance: 39.8 miles Avg. Speed: 18.6 mph

If you happened to notice the huge jump in Avg. Speed it's because I took that bags off today and just rode in and around D.C. for fun. It's a beautiful city here and I got to see all of the sights, unfortunately my camera is not working today, probably because it was soaked while riding into the city. But at any rate I took a ride down Massachusetts Ave. which really didn't remind me of home at all and then I crossed the Potomac into Va just because I wanted to see Arlington etc.

All and all it was a good rest day here in Washington, and after the riding I went to see a soccer match at the local pub with my new mates, two kids from Bristol and then crashed when I got home to the Hostel. It was a good day.

Batlitmore, MD to Washington D.C.

Time: 6:55:43 Total Distance: 720.2 miles Today's Distance: 70.2 miles Avg. Speed: 10.1

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY! I would frankly prefer that it never come back but I'm sure it will. Sorry this is so late the youth hostel I stayed at in D.C. was without a computer and I lacked the motivation to find one elsewhere.

So the ride into D.C. from Baltimore was really rough, it started out nice enough with a clear sky and a warm wind at my back, but it was not to continue. About a half an hour or so after I left my freinds' place it started to get cloudy and then with no warning it started to down pour. The deluge continued until I got to the Hostel in Washington at which point it abruptly stopped, really I'm not making that up...

Now the major event of the day was getting lost which took an hour or so, and then once I finally got going in the right direction I hit a patch of ice under a bridge (it was that cold) and fell hard, I actually cracked my helmet. Fortunately I was okay and just got up and brushed myself and my bike off.