Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rest Day, Well Sort Of...

Time: 2:06:54 Total Distance: 760.0 miles Today's Distance: 39.8 miles Avg. Speed: 18.6 mph

If you happened to notice the huge jump in Avg. Speed it's because I took that bags off today and just rode in and around D.C. for fun. It's a beautiful city here and I got to see all of the sights, unfortunately my camera is not working today, probably because it was soaked while riding into the city. But at any rate I took a ride down Massachusetts Ave. which really didn't remind me of home at all and then I crossed the Potomac into Va just because I wanted to see Arlington etc.

All and all it was a good rest day here in Washington, and after the riding I went to see a soccer match at the local pub with my new mates, two kids from Bristol and then crashed when I got home to the Hostel. It was a good day.

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