Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Otisville, NJ to Delaware Water Gap, PA

Time: 5:24:54 Total Distance: 348.4 miles Today's Distance: 63.0 miles Avg. Speed 11.6 mph

Today was another rough day I got up made a great breakfast of rice and beans, then I went into town and got some provisions, but apparently no where near enough, because I ran out in the middle of a nature preserve with night coming fast, so I couldn't stop to cook, so I starved! I was so pissed I seriosly just wanted to quit this tour so badly...UGH! But I got over it and made it into the Delaware Water Gap, which is a town in Pennsylvania, there I found a hostel for hikers on the Appalachian Trail, it was in the bottom of a church and cost only $3.00 a night. It's was Awesome.

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